Since the theme and korero for this term is Art Alive, we have been actually doing and looking at different types of art, this morning we had our schools Art Expo so all the art work we have done throughout this whole term was displayed in our classes for the school to see, Every piece of artwork we saw today was truley amazing and it was very entertaining walking through all the classes and looking at what they have done this term, since we are the oldest students and the intermediate block we had to look at all the juniors artworks and see what they have done this term.
The classes we have went in where from team 4 to 1 and all their art was very pleasing, In team 4 their art work were very cultural and looked like traditional polynesion patterns, then next where team 1, 2 and three their artworks were quite similar and all their art works where very colourful, lively and looked very fun.
My favourite part and highlight from the Art Expo was walking through my team the intermediate block because we had a lot of interesting art works with different styles and themes from every class and it was outstanding that each class had different focuses that were inspired by famous well known artist we have studied about this term in our inquiry classes and actually used their style of art to create are own.
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