
Monday, 27 July 2020

Spaghetti tower chalenge!

Today for literacy we had a chalenge our chalenge was to try and build the tallest spaghetti tower with a single marshmallow on the top of our creation the tower had to be standing on its own with no one holding it and we did in 10 or 20 minutes it was very fun.

First we splited of into our reading groups and then we where handed a bunch of equipment that we would need to build our spaghetti towerwe had spaghetti a role of tape and a bunch of string and a pair of sissors before we started to build we where chatting in our groups of a way and a plant to how we where going to build our tower.

Then we got started we splited our group into two and then started combining spaghetti strands together into one big long pile when we where both done we stuck both of our bunch of spaghetti together and started molding it to a strong and steady tower when we got the shape we wanted we taped it the table and then atached a string from each direction from the spaghetti tower from the table and then we added the final part the marshmallow.

When we finished our tower time was up and we where the only group with the largest and tallest standing tower out of all the groups in our group which meant we won, It was very fun doing this chalenge because it was fun and we also got to know alot about eachother durring the chalenge and we also proved that we are a great team and know how to work with eachother which is good through out the year.

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