
Friday, 31 July 2020

The million pound bank note

This week for literacy we read more of the text the million pound bank-note and then we had to write down the answers to the questions about the text in the slides and then on the last slide I had to write down what I would do If I have found a large sum of money and why? this task was very nice because I really like the text we are reading,

Maths whizz week-2

Today for the afternoon I had to make a google-drawing of my matsh whizz progressions every week we are expected to have three or more progressions this whole week I had 3 progressions which is not alot but Iv'e tried which is the best thing this week on maths whizz we were looking into and learning lots of problem solving, measures and place values it was very helpful doing maths whizz so we still remember what we learnt through out the year.

Myths of the world

Today for inquiry I had to make a google-drawing and put the flags of countrys because I learnt alot of myths and legends and history from each country in week 1, Next we had to use shapes to put on the bottom of the flags that were in the myth, Legend or story.

Keeping on top of my well-being

This morning for inquiry we had to make a google-drawing about keeping on top of my well-being I had three questions for myself to answer they where what taha I have been looking after, What I need to work on and how will I improve from this, After that I added a background then added images of The Te whare tapa wha.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Telling time

Today for maths my task was to show the time on an anlog clock but before I did that I watched a video that gave me an clear understanding and main points about how you can tell time on an alalog clock and then write down in bullet points what I haved learned by watching the video, After that I had to use the line tool to make the hands for the clock and put them in the right place I tried my best to put them in place next I had to create 10 of my own slides of a clock and its time and matching the clock with the same clock it was very easy.

Sam bacon Profile

Today in my Literacy class we had to make a profile about Sam bacon who is a sailor in new zealand. In the Making of the profile I had to put links of where I got the images and information (You might not be able to acsses the information so Ill link it below.) Making this profile about sam bacon was very simple but it was great to know a little bit about him because he's known for doing great things around new zeland.


Tuesday, 28 July 2020

DMIC Miletiry time

Today for maths we had to figure out a paper puzzle it had bunch of numbers and had random digital time and we had to match them together to create a hexagon shape with the triangle shapes and to help us we haved used milatiry time, This game was very interesting and was a fun way for me understand more about milatiry time.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Myths and legends passport

Last week I had to make a poster of my Myths and legends passport, The Myths and Legends is about all the things Ive learned this week with every teacher and in the boxes is the Title of the tasks, the country and techer who was teaching us I enjoyed making this poster.

The 1 million pound bank-note (Reading task)

For my task today for reading I read 7 pages of text called "the 1,000,000 bank-note and then we had to anwer the three questions in the slide but before we did that we had to stop and talk as a group of key-words and information from the story it was very easy and I enjoyed the text and activity.

Spaghetti tower chalenge!

Today for literacy we had a chalenge our chalenge was to try and build the tallest spaghetti tower with a single marshmallow on the top of our creation the tower had to be standing on its own with no one holding it and we did in 10 or 20 minutes it was very fun.

First we splited of into our reading groups and then we where handed a bunch of equipment that we would need to build our spaghetti towerwe had spaghetti a role of tape and a bunch of string and a pair of sissors before we started to build we where chatting in our groups of a way and a plant to how we where going to build our tower.

Then we got started we splited our group into two and then started combining spaghetti strands together into one big long pile when we where both done we stuck both of our bunch of spaghetti together and started molding it to a strong and steady tower when we got the shape we wanted we taped it the table and then atached a string from each direction from the spaghetti tower from the table and then we added the final part the marshmallow.

When we finished our tower time was up and we where the only group with the largest and tallest standing tower out of all the groups in our group which meant we won, It was very fun doing this chalenge because it was fun and we also got to know alot about eachother durring the chalenge and we also proved that we are a great team and know how to work with eachother which is good through out the year.

Friday, 24 July 2020

The watcher of the south

Today for inquiry we learnt about the a story from the xhosa people from south africa for this task I had to write down the characters from the story and information about them and then write down notes from the text and record myself telling my summary of the story it was very fun and interesting learning about this story.

Building our understanding of decimals

Today for maths I watched a video about decimals to get a clear understanding before I move on to my task for my task I had to write down what is a decimalin my own words then name some ways you can use decimals, after that I had to write the decimals using digits which was just turning the word form of the decimal into a digital decimal after that I had to write different ways shown in the example slide to write decimals, doing this slide was very fun and easy for me and I enjoyed doing this task, This task was very easy for me to do this task because it was very easy and interesting and I hope I learn more about decimals and move up to a higher and more complex way of using decimals.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Dragons eye lake

Task description: For inquiry I had to make a poster about the myth we learnt today and also write the
bottom of the poster in the poster I had to use images and write down key words that where in the story.
Myth story: Dragons eye lake is a romance action and fairytale myth based in a country called croatia, the story starts of with 2 brothes one was blind and the other was'nt and the brother that could see betrayed him and took his land so the blind brother yelled at him "curse you" so when the brother that could see went back to the land he saw nothing, there was a dragon who protects the village and every year people pay him back every year with a bride but every year before the wedding the bride always dies and in this story the dragon named Murin is about to get a wife and then a man named Aristole who is sort of the hero in the story loved the women who was about to become the dragons wife so he had a Duel with the dragon for the bride and then the dragon murin got hurt by moondust that was on the spear of the pegasus which is aristoles pet and then murin got het and he was weak dieing in agne so he pulled his own eyes out and melted and turned into a lake, now on the land with a lake has rumors that if a couple swims in there you will have a strong relationship and helthy children.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Cambodia poster

Today for inquiry we learnt about Cambodian Myths and then we had to do our create task for my create task I had to make a poster about Cambodia In my poster I put images of the world map that showed cambodia on it and then cambodias country and then there flag and a picture of there temple which is very famous and unique. Making this poster was very fun and interesting for me to learn about Cambodia.

Cambodian Myth of Lightning, Thunder and Rain

Today for inquiry we learnt about a combodian myth of lightning, thunder and rain once the video was done we had to drag the images in the correct box using the information we got from watching the video and then at the bottom we had to write a summary of the story after the part when they have received there gifts. this task was really interesting and fun to do.


Today for inquiry I had to make a profile of a god I have chosen Athena I wrote down fun and interesting facts down about her, It was really fun making this profile about the greek goddess Athena.

The myth of Hermes

Today for inquiry we learnt about greek mythoogy. we learnt about the different greek gods, the greek creation story and about Hermes. when Hermes was a baby he invented fire and a lyre (a harp). see my story.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Jamaica Blue mountain.

Today for inquiry we learnt about jamaicas famous blue mountain for my task today I had read and watched some information from the slides and then wrote my notes on one of the boxes on the green slide and then wrote my notes from my research on the other side of the slide. It was really amazing and intersesting learning about how a small country like jamaica can have a famous mountain that produces coffee which is one of the worlds most expensive coffeee.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Paul bunyan

This term for inquiry we are learning aboutmyths and legends.
For this task we learnt an american legend named "Paul Bunyan" there are lots of stories about him forming amierica, we watched videos and noted down what we have found in the video in the box on the side when I have finished slide two and three I moved on to the next task on the slides on those slides I had to take some time to find out each landmark and the relationship it has with paul bunyan.

Term 3 Immersion assembly, A world of, difference (Recount)

This morning for the first day of term three we had an immersion assembly, we learnt alot about what we are going to do through out the term and watched the movies and plays that the techers of our school made for us durring the holidays Every team of teachers created a movie to give us a little bit of an undestanding of what thier team are going to be learning about and doing for this term.

The first movie we watched was from the team one teachers their video was about them dressed up as little kids and doing what they usually do when they go to school and in the movie they made they would always stop and think about how other students around the world in different countrys. I thought team ones movie was really great and was a fun way to show little kids about what other kids do at school around the country.

The secound movie we watched was from team two there movie was a parody of a kids cartoon "Dora the explora" and they would ask the map places in newzealand and then moved globaly around the world, Thier movie was really fun and brought back alot of memorys back in the day and it was a great video.

The third video was from the team three teachers their movie was anothey parody of a famous tv show called "The amazing rase" and they went to different countrys exactly like what they do in the tv show it was really amazing and was a fun way for them to show places and countrys around the world.

The forth video was from the teachers of team four their movie was about them on google earth looking at the coutrys where the food they eat come from and giving us alot of facts and information about the countries of where food they had for luch came from in their video they had lots of kinds of food from countrys like india, turky, and even common foods there movie was very intersesting and fun.

And finally the team fives teaches play was about a myth and legend about an old samoan story called "Sina and the eel" they played their part and acted their best to make the play intersesting and amazing, Breaf summary about the story of the legend: The story was about a beautiful girl named sina who lived in an island in samoa called "sava'i" and she had a friend whitch was an eel and they where best friends and she went and told the whole village and her family about her friend the eel and then her uncle was furious and killed the eel and sina was very upset so she burried the eel undegroung and then grew a big tree that grew coconuts and the coconut looked like the eels face so every time sina drank from a coconut she was kissing the eel.

so there you have it we watched four movies and a play about what every team are learning about this term it was really a fun way to start the term of and give us a little information of what we are learning about this term.

Friday, 10 July 2020


Today for activity 3 of my winter learning journey, my task today was to create four new similes of my own.

1. The girl was beautiful like an angel.

2. The kids singed like angels.

3. The newborn baby was as small as a cat.

4. The supermodel was as tall as a basketball player.

This task was really fun to do I liked how I got to write all these Similes by myself.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

My Pepeha

Kia ora tatou
Greetings all

Ko maungarei te maunga 
wellington is the mountain

Ko whangarei te awa
Whangarei is the river

No tamaki ahau
I am from auckland

Ko fretton toku whanau
Fretton is my family

Ko Laolao toku ingoa
My name is Laolao.

Today for my chalenge for the winter learning journey I had to write down my pepeha in my pepeha I wrote down my mountain, river, suburb, family name and my name making this pepha was really fun and I enjoyed making it.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

My blog posts and my goal for next term!

This blog post will
be about about my achievement in blogpost and my goals to achieved more blogposts durring the year. From today from the past few moths in the year I haved achieved 131 plogpost for the last 2 terms I am very proud of my achievement and my goal will to double the same amount of blogpost for the next coming 2 terms, Last term I have done 153 blog post which suprises me because for the last 2 terms I have done 131 and I compared It to the 151 blog posts Ive done in a year and Im really proud of myself for the work Ive done to reach this far.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Comprenhesion Q's- Stand up!

Today for literacy I read a text called stand up and my task was to use the information I have collected and read from the text and then write it down in a different color (red) and lastly I had to write down which protest I feel most passionate about. this task was really interesting and inspiring to learn about.

Venn Diagram-Cmparing protests

Today for literacy I read a text caled stand up and we had to chose 2 protests that I was interested in ans then compare the similarities and differeces between the different protests that took place here in new zealand. this task was really interesting to me and made me feel empowerd of how people back then protested for human rights.


Today for literacy we read a text called stand up which is about protests in new zealand and human rights. for this task I had to use the word on the side that where in the text andthen write the meaning and then write it in a sentence it was very easy and fun.

Maori kites